I wanted to share a conversation my dear friend Mandy witnessed between Ainsley and her son Matthew...
On Thursday I had the special opportunity to take Ainsley for a ride. I was so thrilled! For a few moments she was going to come to our house to play. It has been just over four weeks since she has been to our house to play and Matthew was missing his friend. We had to pickup Matthew from Joy School so we headed to Liz Covingintons house. On the way there Ainsley and I talked about the Covington's kitties and how big they have grown since she last saw them, that we hoped they were outside so she could see them through the window of the car. She talked and I listened. It was great. We didn't have the radio on or any other distractions just Ainsley, Chloe and I talking about the simple but amazing things this world has to offer. When we arrived I jumped out of the car and ran to the door. The first thing I said to Matthew was, "Guess what, I have a surprise in the backseat of the car for you. You are going to love it!" He sat quickly and quietly to put on his shoes and ran out the door. When I got to the car he leaned over to me and said, "Is Ainsley my surprise!" I replied, "yes." " That is awesome!" was his response. Then he sat down next to her and put on his seat belt and I began to drive. Than I heard his sweet innocent voice say. "Your cheeks are too round. You are not Ainsley." My heart sank. She replied' " Yes I am Ainsley." "No, Ainsley doesn't have round cheeks like that." Once again came the reply, "Yes, I am Ainsley." I didn't know what to do. I said a quick and silent prayer and then came the question. "Mandy, why are my cheeks so round?" I explained to them in simpled terms why Ainsley"s appearance seemed a little different and then I said, "But look it is still her beautiful smile, (a huge smile came across her face) and her beautiful eyes." At that moment Matthew gently reached over and put a hand on her cheek and said, "It is you Ainsley!" It brought tears to my eyes. We had so much fun that afternoon. They played like nothing had changed, except that Chloe likes to play too. One of my favorite moments is when Chloe said, "Come play in my room." and they ran, hand in hand, to Chloe's room and came out with girl stuff. I am beginning to understand that it is the small moments of Joy and Peace that come after the trials that make this life so worth it. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your journey.
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