So, I wanted to just write a quick update. Ainsley has been doing really well the past few weeks. At the beginning of January she got a stomach bug, but other than that she has been very healthy! Tender mercy:). Ainsley was able to begin the next phase of treatment called maintenance. We now go to clinic every other week and she takes a variety of chemo drugs at home. It has been a welcomed change! Although I was joking that I think I have a little bit of post traumatic stress disorder. I think you just put your head down and keep going, and when things start to slow back down you realize you probably haven't dealt with all the emotion that comes with cancer. One day at a time....
Ainsley is getting a lumbar puncture today (just finished). Daddy got to take her there, and then Mommy and Hudson joined after taking sisters to school. We are so grateful for propofol! It's the white "milky" medicine that they give her through her port that makes her fall asleep. The anesthesiologist has become known to Ainsley as 'the milk man.'
Last month Ainsley was a little loopy after waking up from her spinal tap. When the anesthesiologist came in to check on her she sat up and said, "Are you my milk man?" He said, "yes"! She then said, "You are SO cute!" It was hilarious to see the doctor's face turn bright red! I sure love the spice Ainsley brings to every day!!!
Glad she is doing well right now! That is a fun story. Very cute.