Sunday, November 17, 2013

My heart stopped.....

Last week, Ainsley's platelet count had been low.  It wasn't quite low enough for a transfusion but we were watching closely for severe bruising and petechia, which are little dots of bruising.  I had tried hard to do everything short from wrapping her in bubble wrap to keep her safe!  With her platelets low, it can be very dangerous if she were to hit her head, because it would be hard to stop any bleeding.  I could tell she wasn't feeling very well on Sunday.  She slept most of the day, didn't eat or drink very much and she was complaining  of stomach pain.  It progressively got worse as the evening went on.  I felt so helpless.  She would scream out in pain, and I didn't know how to help her.  Around 8:30, Ainsley's face went pale and I could tell she was going to throw up.  I dumped out the Halloween bucket and ran to her.  My heart stopped when I saw blood.  I started to scream for Bryan.  I was SO scared.  I think I was more afraid at that moment than ever before.

We called the doctor and he said to bring her in.  We called our sweet friend and neighbor, Robert and he came and helped Bryan give Ainsley a blessing.  Bryan and I were both crying but I felt so comforted by blessing.  I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who knows our needs and helps calm our fears.  I am also SO grateful for a husband who is worthy to give her a blessing.  This is what Bryan posted on Facebook.  

This is Bryan. We are so thankful for all of your prayers and the opportunity to give Ainsley a Priesthood blessing after she had thrown up a stomach full of blood. She and Jenny are finally sleeping. She is getting a platelet transfusion. Her hemoglobin (oxygen-carrying part of the blood) is low but stable enough for now. The blood in her vomit has stopped. I have never been so thankful to be puked on, because this last round got all over my shirt and was NOT bloody. I'm still wearing that vomit-covered shirt because I am so relieved that it is not blood. Miracles happen, we've witnessed one tonight. Some of the words of the blessing were: "We rebuke the Destroyer and command the bleeding to stop." I'm grateful that I was able to give my daughter a blessing when she needed it, and that within minutes of my call there was a fellow Priesthood holder (and dear friend) there to help. The power of the Priesthood, to act in God's name here on earth, is great. Not sure what tomorrow will bring, but so grateful to have these girls resting for now. The Savior healed when He was on the earth and He continues healing by the power of His Holy Priesthood today.
Robert stayed with the kids until our other amazing friend, Christy came and stayed the night.  We are blessed with amazing friends, who help at the drop of a hat!  The next morning, Christy got the girls off to school and another friend Mandy picked Hudson up and kept him for the day.  I am amazed at how well the girls did the next day.  We made sure to call the school to give the girls an update later in the day.  Their teachers knew about the circumstances and took good care of our girls!  They have such loving and amazing teachers!  

Once we arrived to the hospital, they checked her counts with a blood test.  Her platelets were still low and so they gave her a transfusion.  The next morning they told us that her hemoglobin was low too.  (Red blood cells)  So she received a blood transfusion too.  As soon as she got blood, I could tell she was starting to feel better.  She went from a pale gray, to a warm pink in skin tone.  They told us the bleeding was likely from a ulcer caused by the steroids she has been taking.  She now takes medicine daily to combat acid.  I am so grateful for AMAZING nurses and doctors who are for my girl!  I am also grateful for the love and prayers of so many.  We feel them and we are strengthened by those prayers.

             This was the day before we went to the hospital!  I love that my girls are so creative!
                                                    Ainsley receiving a blood transfusion.
                                                       The next day!  Hooray for blood!
Playroom fun!
The view from our room.  I love Oklahoma!

This is one of the games we play to pass time when we are in the hospital!  We walk ALOT of laps around the hospital halls! 

Ainsley has been doing well since we have been home.  I have kept her away from large groups of people and out of stores.  I am pretty nervous that she will get sick.  We go back on Wednesday to see if Ainsley's counts are high enough to start the next phase of treatment!  We are 9 months down in a 2 1/2 year journey!  Pretty crazy:)


  1. I don't think there will be a dry eye that reads this post. My heart just goes out to you guys. I wish we were closer to physically help but we are so fortunate to know of the power of prayer and the priesthood. What a powerful blessing that was given and received. Thanks for keeping us updated. I'm sure it's not easy to relive. Love you all!

  2. Hi Jenny,
    I'm so glad you posted an update on Ainsley. What a scary thing to happen. I'm glad they figured it out and can do something to help! I'm certain that the prayers offered up immediately were heard and answered. I originally learned of Ainsley from my son Alex. He works at Target on 71st St. in Tulsa. He was so blown away that you gave him a bracelet! He asked if I would pray for her too. We have been. This weekend his bracelet broke. He hasn't taken it off since you gave it to him, and he was very upset. I am going to order two to give him for Christmas. Here is a verse - one of my very favorites to cling to through this stormy season. Isa. 45:2-3 I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name! Stand firm! He holds all things together! Julie
